Business Tips: Building Something That You Can Control | Fireside Chat at Baron Davis’s Allstar Weekend

Business Tips: Building Something That You Can Control | Fireside Chat at Baron Davis’s Allstar Weekend

Awesome Tip: Building Something That You Can Control | Fireside Chat at Baron Davis’s Allstar Weekend

The internet changed everything… There are no more middlemen and you don’t have to get the permission from some old white dude to do whatever it is that you need to do. Instead of coming up with dumb excuses as to why you can’t.. look at all the reasons why you can.

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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations. Gary is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, 4-time New York Times Bestselling Author, and has been named to both Crain’s and Fortune’s 40 Under 40 lists.

Gary is the host of the #AskGaryVee Show, a business and marketing focused Q&A video show and podcast, as well as DailyVee, a docu-series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO, investor, speaker, and public figure in today’s digital age.

Make sure to stay tuned for Gary’s latest project Planet of the Apps, Apple’s very first video series, where Gary is a judge alongside Will.I.Am, Jessica Alba, and Gwyneth Paltrow.

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39 Replies to “Business Tips: Building Something That You Can Control | Fireside Chat at Baron Davis’s Allstar Weekend”

  1. About sacrificing and missing out on stuff … Kobe said this in an interview … he didn't feel like he was giving anything up (family, friends, etc) because he was GETTING so much from basketball. That's a KEY realization. When you really wrap your mind around that, you can GO with the thing that gives you the most.

  2. The 3 most important traits of any human-being doing anything on the planet earth today:

    Empathy, gratitude, kindness…

    Bonus: doing the right thing.

    If you do those 4 things, you're bound to win!

    Fuck the losers way!

    Cheers, GaryVee!

  3. So much truth here. im 28 and half way through my psychology doctorate whilst trying to build an online presence with my psychology youtube channel and social media outlets. Always trying to learn and content like this really really motivates me. Thank you Gary!!!

  4. I'm new to your stuff but love your approach. I have always been told without a degree you're nothing, but some people don't fit that stereotype and hearing you talk brings a fresh perspective and hope to me as someone with an entrepreneurial spirit.

  5. I seriously get off work at 6am and watch Gary's videos to stay motivated. My mom has cancer and been helping her, my dream of performing is on the back burner, videos like these motivate me to do more. To grow. To work to make my website, make little merch for my shows, and advertising. Im 22 living in a trailer park trying to get things together. Take this dream and travel. I'm not the best magician in the world but i enjoy doing it. I've had my fun features on tv and magazines its all cool stuff but just trying to grow this business to take care of my mom just so she can be comfortable, so I can travel and inspire younger entertainers. I'm in a perfect market. Chicago is wide open when it comes to magic and youtube. It amazes me that theres no one rapping Chicago on a big level in those two fields. Yeah you have the older magicians with their shows but they can go miles above but are stuck in their old fashion ways. Magicians are so indifferent about youtube. I don't wanna teach magic either i want to strictly entertain. Too much saturation of kids wanting views by killing an art pretty much. I wouldn't even consider them magicians. My mind is in the right place i just need to follow through. Thank you Gary for these videos. I watch you and Tai a lot to motivate myself through life.

  6. Gary, what do you recommend for the people who are 40+ who didn't give up there 20's or thought they were working during their 20's but it turned out not to work out so you're starting over? Thanks!

  7. I’m gonna try to reach out to some reasonable people to increase awareness on this as much as possible.
    Guys. We have a serious problem happening right now. There are channels on YouTube, and accounts on Twitter and Facebook that are being censored, even whole channels being deleted. I’m commenting here specifically because I know the majority of GaryVee subs/ fans are level headed, Empathetic and Namely Self Aware, and won’t just scoff at this comment and throw out hate.
    With full respect to everyone’s opinions, I still need to say this. And I will try to keep this as short as possible.
    Regardless of what you’ve heard on social media, television, radio or print, I beg you to just please read this: Alex Jones’s channel, InfoWars, has been frozen by YouTube and will be apparently deleted tomorrow. This is THE canary in the coal mine.
    If you’re still with me, I know that Alex jones isn’t a saint, and is pretty f#cking crazy, But please please please stay with me. He is arguably the most hated man by Mainstream Media for a reason. My point is, that this needs to be heeded as a warning for free speech on YouTube, or anywhere online. Because once YouTube starts to target their number one enemy, It’s a gateway to censoring other channels/ people that don’t agree with them. As Ray Dalio said on askgaryvee, we have to have thoughtful disagreement! Please educate yourself on this, look it up on google. there is a lot happening behind the scenes we don’t know about. We don’t have to agree, but we have the right to believe whatever we want. If anyone is still reading at this point, thank you. I know this isn’t a normal comment for this channel, and is drawing attention away from Gary, and I may catch a lot of flak for it, so I apologize in advance. Love you all.

  8. Awesome Gary you are making me to think more and more ,failure inspires me(winner) but the same failure defeat looser,by listening your words I am on winning side. "Guilt is worse than greed" I clearly feel it after watching this video you sacrifice your teenage life and works too hard to you are rocking your way man

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