Business Tips: How Gary Vaynerchuk Got to Where He Is Today

Business Tips: How Gary Vaynerchuk Got to Where He Is Today

Awesome Tip: How Gary Vaynerchuk Got to Where He Is Today

When people hear the name Gary Vaynerchuk, they tend to think “motivational speaker” or “social media influencer” when in reality that is only a small fraction of what he has been doing the past 44 years. Gary is predominantly a businessman, who has an exceptional eye for emerging trends and consumer behaviors. From the lemonade stands that he used to run as a kid to selling Empathy Wines to Constellation Brands, Gary has always been a business operator first, but money is never the main focus for him. With the unique combination of hard work, patience, empathy, and kindness, Gary hopes to inspire future generations to go after what truly makes them happy and go against the grain of what society deems “normal” or the “right way to live”.

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My DTC winery, Empathy Wines:
My K-Swiss sneaker:

Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the Chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications parent company, as well as the CEO and Co-Founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations.
Gary is a venture capitalist, 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an early investor in companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo and Uber. He is currently the subject of WeeklyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world. He is also the host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show online.

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20 Replies to “Business Tips: How Gary Vaynerchuk Got to Where He Is Today”

  1. This film is so good..snapshot of all his wins along the way.. I stopped watching his content for a while and started implementing.. like a lot of other people mention here.. Its such HARDWORK..there are so many failures and mistakes along the way..EXPENSIVE LESSONS!
    I would watch that documentary about Gary's Journey..not just the wins but the lessons too, the mistakes.. #NETFLIX are you listening!! Give him a series like you gave to goop!

  2. Coming from an Island Nation (Papua New Guinea) where the bulk of my folk wanna meet NRL stars, singers, and movie actors/actresses, I just wanna meet Gary Vaynerchuk. I love you, Gary Vee!
    PS: Gary is the real MVP, it's rarely you hear him talk about the charitable work he does. In fact, I was today years old when I came to know of the charitable work he does. Keep winning, Gary Vee!

  3. Because of Gary Vee, I was able to navigate through the tough times of my life, heck I still am. Sir, because of you I am the person I am today. Whenever I am surrounded by negativity, I plug my earphones in and listen to you, simple as that. Thank you for everything!

  4. I was once a 9-5 slave questioning my existence where one page of my diary could could tell you what my year was bout, neglected by love ones, most assumed to fail, depressed and going nowhere fast with self-doubt and fearing to take the leap to pursue my dreams of one day leaving my little island where I lived for all my life for Portland Oregon to become a music producer.

    I never fucking thought I would ever make it into duty free at the airport let alone on an airplane.

    My life changed when I found Gary's podcast and that became my bible, hard work and hustle and determination to never give in despite the obstacles (and boy were they life threatening obstacles of kidney failure and cardiovascular complications on a hospital bed where I said to myself if I ever make it out of here I will not ever waste or regret the days that follow) so I risked it all.

    I sold everything I had down to a backpack and left, scared shitless I bought that ticket, got to the airport, got on that plane, saw New York, time square, got on another plane, got to Portland where I now live and currently pursuing music. So much love for you Gary because if it wasn't for you where I was heading was into darkness that would eventually lead to me taking my life.

    But now I'm blessed and grateful for the smallest of things I have and treasure every second hoping to make it last a lifetime.❤❤❤

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