Business Tips: 10 People, 10 Problems, 1 Exceptionally Good Listener | Tea With GaryVee #6

Business Tips: 10 People, 10 Problems, 1 Exceptionally Good Listener | Tea With GaryVee #6

Awesome Tip: 10 People, 10 Problems, 1 Exceptionally Good Listener | Tea With GaryVee #6

A lot of people feel lost and confused during these difficult times. With the spread of coronavirus, our daily lives have drastically changed with the times to try and minimize the impact. However, people’s business, health, and morale are being sacrificed in the process. Gary hops on another live-stream to talk to everyone, hear their situation, and offers his perspective on what they should do. These 10 callers all have different stories and situations and there is definitely one person here that will resonate with everybody… Enjoy!

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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the Chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications parent company, as well as the CEO and Co-Founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations.
Gary is a venture capitalist, 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an early investor in companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo and Uber. He is currently the subject of DailyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world. He is also the host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show online.

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42 Replies to “Business Tips: 10 People, 10 Problems, 1 Exceptionally Good Listener | Tea With GaryVee #6”

  1. This is the first video I watch for you. I am LOVING it! You are amazing Gary, I love your ideas and how you are passionate about helping entrepreneurs. I am going to make sure I go through all your videos by the end of this quarantine. This is just a quick comment to say hi and thank you but I am pretty sure I will come back to you with tons of questions 🙂 Thank you & Stay safe

  2. Hey Gary,
    Since this Tea With GaryVee is a huge blast, I have a suggestion for you;
    After we had this Corona crisis, let's have this show continued on Sunday or Friday evening.

    It could be for just an hour or so.
    What do you think?
    You're creating massive value here, brother.

  3. Gary omg, when your Dad came in the shot and you guys kissed good day, it was the best beyond precious moment and a glimpse of the reality of who you are and why you are who you are…you’re blessed and amazing and so is your father… And so was the wonderful yoga guy and his lovely energy that you were talking to at the time. Just beautiful and touching.

  4. I love this format for a couple of reasons. 1 for the fact I'm seeing some of the guests problems are some problems that im currently navigating. Secondly, it's seeing Gary in action here, the business brain at work

  5. Tea time background is a 180 from the wrestlers ( which I love) on the shelf in the office. I’m feeling this vibe, it’s inviting and feels like a safety nest. Also, I am anti niche and have been out of the social media game for many years for personal reasons. I have signed up for TikTok because my kids asked me to. I am just literally doing whatever I want whenever I want, what feels good in my heart. I’m just in a place of I am not into fitting in or doing what’s cool and that’s not going to give me tons of viral followers. I don’t want an audience that expects whatever because I’m like a buffet, It’s variety, it’s relatable, and you might get salmonella, satisfaction isn’t guaranteed because I cannot guarantee someone’s satisfaction. I’m open minded and I can’t do something I don’t believe in. I feel like I’m in a unique opportunity right now like there’s something I’m supposed to do, I just don’t know what that thing is because it’s a few things not just one. My TikTok is BBQChickenJuiceBox it’s random, judge away. I would appreciate it greatly. Any feedback. I’d say you won’t check it out but I’m asking for a miracle, as a single mom that’s a difficult request, asking for help, I’m going to leave this here. Take it or leave it. I hope you and your family are doing well. Thank you for doing what you do. @garyvee

  6. Deana, here’s what I have candidates do: 1. Make a list of every person you know. Every person. Even sally from elementary school. 2. Estimate what you think they spend a week eating out and multiply that by 3. 3. Call every person and when they answer say something like “hey aunt Esther. It’s deana. You know I’m doing medical stuff and how important it is to me. I have this opportunity to do an internship but I need xxxx to go. Can I count on you to chip in (ask them for three times the amount). Then STFU. Next person who talks loses. If she says no then say “i understand times are tough. Could I count on you for (and ask for half the first amount) and then STFU. If she still says no then again say you understand but it means so much to you so maybe you can count on her for (ask for what you wrote they spend a week eating out). If she still says no then nicely say you understand, and then say “what amount can I put you down for?” Don’t ask can I put you down for something cause that allows her to say no. Ask her what amount you can count on her. Then when you get the amount, for campaigns we’d send them a follow up letter next day with a self addressed reply envelope and a letter thanking them for their xxx amount pledge. But for this I’d try to get them to PayPal or Venmo you right there on the spot. Once you get the commitment get off the phone quickly. You’ve got hundreds of calls to make. Email me at and I’m happy to help any way I can (probono). I’ve got a lot of fundraising experience. 15 years political under my belt. everything from ron Paul and Rand Paul senior staff on presidential campaign to running digital for organizations to email marketing and fundraising to grassroots activism. I’m back home on the farm in Georgia now. After 15 years I missed the country so I moved back in 2016 and took the leap to work for myself as a copywriter for politicians and organizations, as I’m one of the best political direct response copywriters in the country. However I got into tony Robbins and all that over the last three years and I’m looking to get out of politics and into something less negative where I motivate and make people smile. I’m country fried zen. And I’m the long lost love child of tony Robbins and Larry the cable guy. Hit me up if I can help. Again it’s Don’t forget the “R” – it’s my middle initial. Love y’all. And remember – if you can’t be good — just be good at it.

  7. Gary, I completely agree with you! Life is about perspective! I admire your no BS attitude. I've gone from ”vegetable” to nationally qualified body builder in Canada, graduated from business college with honours, have overcome being caught up in drugs, alcohol, depression, I even went to Montreal and stripped!!! I've changed my life drastically and have started an IG and youtube channel to let others with Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Illness (even though this is completely relevant for many!!) know they can master life why this! – I've only shared videos about ms experience and not so much my life, life but honestly, I'm struggling with opening up about this. If I can get any of your advice on how, like you, I can help others and even open up more.. I appreciate if you take the time to get back to me 🙂 all the best!

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