Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 162: My Friend Brian Solis Answers Questions on the Show

Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 162: My Friend Brian Solis Answers Questions on the Show

Awesome Tip: #AskGaryVee Episode 162: My Friend Brian Solis Answers Questions on the Show

#QOTD – When was the last time you had a really great experience and what was it?

6:18- How do you distinguish between bad marketing strategy that’s not working and just having a crappy product?
8:45- What do you think about “😂” being the Oxford ‘word’ of the year? Communication shift?
10:36- What does the future look like for the auto industry? Will local car dealers be cut out of the business model?
13:28- Gary how do you analyze all the social media data that you get every day? Personally and corporately.
16:57- It seems like everyone speaks about not giving up no matter what, but how do you know when it’s time to let it go?

Brian’s Book 🙂

Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.

The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary’s way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.

Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.

Find Gary here:

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20 Replies to “Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 162: My Friend Brian Solis Answers Questions on the Show”

  1. Here ya go since you don't read books and you're starting some new news digest or something – the 4 D's…Brian's books are amazing (admittedly I haven't read the whole thing, but think I need to order it now) Here is my fav way to grab knowledge while it's hot ( I realize it's ehh 2 years later), but will give you some great takeaways:

  2. I was going with a friend and his cute dog to a entrepreneur ( fitness and car niche ) for a conversation and it was my first time I met Someone like that. Great experience, It gave me motivation and Since then I don't drink alcohol. I want to be fitter

  3. Ordered to my office from a lunch studio downtown flint. They forgot ranch – I gave feedback to their square survey. Next time I went in they gave me a bottle of ranch to keep at my office just invade they forgot again. Lol

  4. I love how you show that you also have faults. Too many people are worried about others using their faults against them but i think seeing you show your faults encourages me more.

    #QOTD :
    When I started seeing that people subscribed on me on YouTube. About a few months ago.

  5. Hey Gary Veee! 😀 Awesome episode! Thanks for sharing the thoughts!
    #QOTD: Last summer, attended an introduction day for freshmen at the university there i studied and held a speech about my experience in the field as a constructing architect. Really humbled i had the occasion to give something back to the community. We engaged really well! 😀

  6. QOTD/A: I had the excitement of being featured on Hypebeast via Instagram for some of my body painting work. I had an influx of people go to my Instagram profile – very cool!
    HOWEVER, my account was looking ratchet at the time. It was all over the place with no clear theme. It was not appealing at all. So I lost out on a great opportunity to capture some of those leads.

    Ergo, to remedy this, I have since defined my page's theme and cushioned it with lots of my work, almost daily. It's lookin' mighty purty…


  7. What a treat to see two of my favourite social media super-stars – @GaryVee and @BrianSolis. Thought leaders and new media pioneers, these guys really know their shit and yet, they hustle to keep on top of trends. I have huge respect for their talents and achievements – how they built their personal brands, communities and media empires. The #AskGaryVee Show is amazing, and what makes this episode even more awesome is Brian Solis' new book #XtheBook which is on my table right now – as I type this. All the very best Brian Solis on another bestseller. And a very Happy 40th to my mate Gary Vay-ner-chuk. Rock on, guys! Much love from NZ.

  8. Statement of the Day:

    Confused. I thought the Question of the Day was done with?

    Question of the Day:

    Recently I was having a conversation with a good buddy of mine and I came to realize how important the word humility is to me. It's been something I've been striving after for a long time and I literally couldn't name what it was that I was after. As soon as I realized it was humility, I was so overjoyed, yet humbled at the same time hahaha Great ep, +garyvee

  9. #QOTD: I went to a specialty running store recently, Red Coyote in OKC, as my wife and I have starting to get more serious into running. They analyzed our running gait using a camera behind a treadmill, and the salesman was super helpful and gave us very custom advise and fair deals. We left the store having spend ~$250 and felt like we had the experience of a lifetime because of how custom and focused he was on making sure we had the right gear and advise for our specific running goals. He even threw in an extra pair of socks because I told him I had started getting a blister and told me to try these because it would fix it. So cool.

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