Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 185: Seth Godin on Thought Leaders, Psychics & The Future of the Internet

Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 185: Seth Godin on Thought Leaders, Psychics & The Future of the Internet

Awesome Tip: #AskGaryVee Episode 185: Seth Godin on Thought Leaders, Psychics & The Future of the Internet

On this episode, Seth Godin joins the show and answers some questions. 🙂

#QOTD: Who would miss you if you were gone? – from Seth

6:44 – What is the value of authority in a world where everybody is a possible thought leader?
12:13 – Where do you see the internet going in the next 5/10 years and why?
15:44 – What would cause you to hire the world’s best psychic? Even the Caesars and Pharaohs consulted a seer, and so should you Greats.
19:23 – Seth has a blog but no other social media engagement. Under which conditions is this advisable?
35:26 – What is something you guys disagree on?


Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.

The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary’s way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.

Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.

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46 Replies to “Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 185: Seth Godin on Thought Leaders, Psychics & The Future of the Internet”

  1. With the amount of ads placed in this ONE video, kind of feels like being barked at while I’m trying to glean useful information and inspiration from this content. Anyone else feel that way?….

  2. Gary, check your ego man. Just because its your show that doesn't mean you have to do most of the talking. The audience is here to learn, and we don't care if the information comes from you or from Seth. I HATE when hosts don't let their guests talk. Its a very common thing. And it makes the host look like an insecure child.

  3. Wow, I was expecting this to be awesome. But I have to agree with all the comments. Gary just messed up the flow by never letting Seth finish. There's just no synergy in the interview at all. It's really hard to understand anything going on.

  4. I've been listening to Seth every chance I get. This is the first GaryVee show for me, but it's also gonna be the last. Seth always says "if this show isn't for you, it is okay", so yah the show isn't meant for me, maybe I'm just the minority, but this is painful to watch.

  5. Yo Gary, we already like you, that's why we are following you . I know it must be difficult, but try not to be so insecure when you have a monster of this side seating next to you. Sometimes, you don't need to play the "expert" roll… sometimes is just a mater of licensing and try to learn something. Do it for us this time, not for your ego.. we'll still like you, and is gonna be so much valuable for everyone.

  6. I've been watching Gary for the past year now, literally every day. Trying to figure things out in my life. Today, I can confidently say that after watching this video, that I will never have to watch another GaryV video again. Bc this gave me the perspective i've always needed. And it came to me like it's been there in front of me the whole time. Thank you Gary and Thank you for bringing Mr. Godin onto your show.

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