Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 39: Facebook Organic Reach, Dating in NYC, and Being a Leader

Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 39: Facebook Organic Reach, Dating in NYC, and Being a Leader

Awesome Tip: #AskGaryVee Episode 39: Facebook Organic Reach, Dating in NYC, and Being a Leader

#QOTD: How bad you want to work at VaynerMedia?

00:51- With Facebook reach continuing to decline, do you see a role for organic posts as an ‘always on’ strategy or should everything be promoted? How much reach is enough to justify the effort in creating these assets?
04:19-What dating advice would you give to a single 20-something girl in NYC?
08:22-At what point is a campaign ownable by merely being the first brand of its kind to do something (in a sense being the “first mover”)?
11:30- What’s the most important thing you’ve learned while Vayner has grown as a company (from coast to coast) and how does a company successfully scale?
14:57- What kind of advice would you give people who are transitioning from the do-ers to the leaders and managers of a team?


The transition from being a “doer” to becoming a leader can be very difficult. Quite frankly, it scares the crap out of me. It’s hard to go from “execution-mode” to then becoming a manager of a team. These are two very different things that can cause some issues if not handled properly.

When you’re a leader, you have to be the bigger man/woman in any given situation. You can’t simply impose your will because you’re now the “boss.” A leader listens. They swallow their pride and work to make sure the team is executing as needed. A leader needs to empower those around them to do their jobs but they also need to be able to take the hit, and eat crap, because things won’t always be easy, and at the end of the day, they’re the ones leading the charge.

I firmly believe that the transition from doer to leader is the same as the transition from leveraging your EQ rather than your IQ. Leaders need to listen and empower their team to become leaders themselves and take ownership of the work they’re given. Leaders need to understand who they are as a person and relay that emotional understanding to those around them. As I’ve said many times before, it all boils down to self-esteem and self-awareness. If you can understand who you truly are as a person, and as a leader, then you’ll be able to instill the same understanding in the team around you.

Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author, self-taught wine expert, and innovative entrepreneur. Find more at

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34 Replies to “Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 39: Facebook Organic Reach, Dating in NYC, and Being a Leader”

  1. HA! todays question goes exactly with what I wrote for the last Ask Gary Vee. Mr. Vee I desperately want to work for you. For a few reasons. I've been watching for about a year and a half and you have started to change my mindset. I still beat myself up a lot but god its better. I want to be around that energy of Constant improvement and I feel being on your staff and being surround by people that think the same way will help me even more. I want to feel better. 2nd I want to be a part of something that is growing and has a frame work of the long hull. 3rd I want to work in Pro Wrestling and MANY people in that wold respect and look up to you. Working for you will give me the tools I need to transfer that knowledge to Wrestling. Thanks again Mr. Vee.

  2. Hey @garyvee. I'm a long-time 'lurker' but only because I am starting at your earliest vids and working back chronologically (OCD). But I thought I'd comment and see if your still replying this late or I'll just keep lurking until I catch up to you in real-time. I loved the leadership comment as I am studying a Masters in Leadership and truly believe we are transitioning from dictator leadership to a carer leadership (admittedly a difficult one for me as 'drill sergeant' isn't default! Lol)

    QOTD. Answer: No. I don't want to work at VM. However I do want to employ VM services one day.

    [Question reversal] #askgaryvee how much would a small consulting business need to budget to start using your phenomenal team at VM? So I can set a goal! (I know there would be way to many variables but I'm sure the VaynerNation is all wondering)

    Thanks for maybe seeing this! πŸ˜‰

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  4. exactly what you mentioned regarding what makes a great leader, self-awareness, empathy, humility, empowerment, those are the exact character traits that would make an awesome parent great children

  5. I know this is an old video, and there are 325 comments, but I would love to work at Vayner, even if it meant from the ground up. Ideally though I would love love to have some involvement in your fitness and health journey!! πŸ™‚

  6. QOTD: In a sense, I already do.Β  I will recommend VaynerMedia's services to anyone I perceive could benefit from it.Β  So I'm a sales rep and you don't even have to pay me other than you continuing the AskGaryVee show.

  7. QOTD: Gary, other than you being awesome, I don't really know much about VM. I think I might like to work there but you're going to have to sell me on it a little better than that. If you want to know about me, know that I'm loyal and I work well under pressure. Great traits when acting as a gate keeper for the boss.

    I don't know that my wife will move from Canada with me though.

  8. Hey Gary, great episode. Little long. I like that 12-14 minute range. But all good. The advice you gave the HR lady's Q was cool to hear. As a single male, I wouldn't mind be pursued more aggressively. I'm a west coast Canadian, but if you ever want to take one as an intern, I would be willing to do anything in that environment

  9. Loved that last question and it's baffling to see how 20th century the business world still is when it comes to leadership.

    I don't think I'm Vaynermedia material as I don't think I'm a marketeer. I sell wine, rather well I think but that's probably the only thing I can sell as I am bound by too many ethical boundaries: I couldn't sell cars, I couldn't sell something I don't believe in and by extension I would not be very good/feel inspired helping another business sell product or services I don't believe in.

    Having said that, you are selling your working environment remarkably well and I can see a little right hooking from that perspective πŸ˜‰ I will use that perspective if I ever get to a leadership position.

  10. #QOTD: Can that answer be quantified? If so then I'd say a lot. I probably don't have the 'time experience' as most here, I got into the Social Media Marketing game late in life' but after learning from one of your old employees and consuming your: books, tweets, videos, blogs. etc. there is no other company I'd rather work and learn more from than Vaynermedia.

    As for some banter, great show! I love the mix of short and long episodes. Some episodes merit being long, while some work at short length. I also appreciate those that go out of the office and meet the employees of Vaynermedia.

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