Business Tips: Parenting & Entrepreneurship in China | GaryVee Business Meeting with Top Chinese Influencers

Business Tips: Parenting & Entrepreneurship in China | GaryVee Business Meeting with Top Chinese Influencers

Awesome Tip: Parenting & Entrepreneurship in China | GaryVee Business Meeting with Top Chinese Influencers

Really humbled that I got to sit down with Raz and Malik, 2 social media entrepreneurs in China. Definitely think this an interesting take on parenting, education, family structure, and entrepreneurship…

Check out YChina here!:

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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations. Gary is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, 5-time New York Times Bestselling Author, and has been named to both Crain’s and Fortune’s 40 Under 40 lists.

Gary is the host of the #AskGaryVee Show, a business and marketing focused Q&A video show and podcast, as well as DailyVee, a docu-series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO, investor, speaker, and public figure in today’s digital age.

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39 Replies to “Business Tips: Parenting & Entrepreneurship in China | GaryVee Business Meeting with Top Chinese Influencers”

  1. All do respect Gary.. Never heard of these guys…. million followers in China, it is quite low, bad….I hope you could have an interview with the true social media hero in China, such as 高晓松 or 逻辑思维, will be extreamly fun!!!!

  2. I've been in china for a year, teaching and now watching Gary's video inspired me to have more drive. I got into a coworking space, creating content and pairing up with like minded thankful and seeing this video really made my day.

  3. Wow Gary knocked it out od the part here. He is going to change the Chinese landscape as soon as he touches down not that he already hasn’t had an impact. Your right Gary parents don’t need to treat there kids as a product is they. They need to be empathetic and play to their kids strengths. Thanks team!

  4. 抱歉但我只想用中文说,高佑思团队处于最好的时代,国外网红模式已具规模有经验,国内依然有巨大市场,网红新兴行业,短视频直播又是风口,像他这种对中国的了解程度并生活在中国的外国人也是没那么多,又是最坏的时代,中国越来越和世界接轨,对外国人的在中国或对中国的看法热情不再,(要我说要是不创业也是能找到不错收入,可惜入创业大坑),瓶颈期如果太久那就是要改规划和战略。至于视频我对频道主人了解不多无法评价,但后面那段在美国街上拉人采访笑出声,以及未来一两年流行和趋势,这些只会笑而不语,真有预测方向为什么会告诉你?鸡汤侃几句而已。另外我一直觉得(希望我自以为是了)外国人对当下中国了解的人没有看到的那么多,只是知道数据,知道增长快又如何,不来生活怎么会知道?中国没有在西方广泛传播的流行符号虽是坏事但也能让国人冷眼看世界,自己方面又和日本的加拉帕戈斯现象不一样。

  5. Gary… i love that you have such a great impact on the world… and now you use it to talk about the perfectly parented stuff… and going around the world with it. I'm with you a 1000 %! And my action match my words!

  6. This is amazing…I'm a sophomore in HS and my parents are just like this, so controlling, trying to cut me off from social media when the world is evolving much faster than they believe…I want to be an Entrepreneur and Filmmaker/Motivate others just like GaryV but they don't believe in either one, they're trying to create a perfect me when they don't understand who I am…they take away my social stuff because when I use it I'm "Not myself" when I couldn't be more like myself….I have so much more I could talk about because I go through really bad struggles with this every day…for years…but Gary this really hit home man, hearing someone like you talk about all this…it means a lot, thanks man

  7. This video is full of FIRE. Stay tuned for 1 hour and watch it. You will know about GV's under construction Twitch Studio too. Amazing and powerful conversation. Superb.

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