Business Tips: Explaining NFTs As Simple as Possible in Under 60 Seconds #Shorts

Business Tips: Explaining NFTs As Simple as Possible in Under 60 Seconds #Shorts

Awesome Tip: Explaining NFTs As Simple as Possible in Under 60 Seconds #Shorts

While NFTs are a relatively new technology for many, the major groundwork for how NFTs function has existed and been used by people for a considerably decent amount of time. If you have ever bought a character skin in a game like Fortnite or Counter-Strike, you have essentially experienced what it is like to buy an NFT and why there is value in owning “digital goods”. The ability to have self-expression and “show-off” your cool skins to your friends are the very same appeals people have with NFTs. Not to mention all the real world benefits that will be attached to NFTs like free burritos from chipotle if you own the gold burrito NFT! #Shorts

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Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the world’s leading marketing experts, a New York Times bestselling author, and the chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a contemporary global creative and media agency built to drive business outcomes for their partners. He is a highly popular public speaker, and a prolific investor with investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, Coinbase, Slack, and Uber. Gary is a board/advisory member of Bojangles’ Restaurants, MikMak, Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity:Water. He’s also an avid sports card investor and collector. He lives in New York City.

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21 Replies to “Business Tips: Explaining NFTs As Simple as Possible in Under 60 Seconds #Shorts”

  1. Hey Gary I think you should take a ok at DECENTRALAND, it a virtual reality world made in the ethereum blockchain. They have bunch of NFTS such as virtual real state, wearables for avatars and bunch of other stuff, could you please do a video on you opinions on it ? Thank you

  2. They’re not even letting them become ‘collectible’ before trying to manipulate the market!!! Fail.

    Headline today: “Buyer of $69 million crypto art revealed as mysterious founder of NFT fund, who says the artwork is 'worth $1 billion'”

  3. Nft’s will be worth something one day. I. Fact I want to start a business soon which will help luxury fashion brands create NFT’s for their products. However, current NFT’s are worthless, change my mind.

  4. NFT's are a front for some seriously dirty stuff going on underneath. While there is valid art being sold, clicking the main page of any website like opensea or marble leads you to multiple accounts run by bots. These accounts are producing hundreds of auto-generated pieces of art which are being sold routinely for upwards of 3.5 ETH(7k). These are not quirky pieces of art that anyone would want by any means, most look like doodles out of a child's schoolbook, but they routinely sell. The system is corrupt on some level. It's easy to think of what someone might be actually buying in exchange for purchasing one of these peices

  5. I have never bought a skin, nor do I even know what that is. This video failed to explain what an NFT is, and why it matters in the world. Guess I'll have to go to Google or someplace else where us old people learn things.

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