Business Tips: How Coronavirus Will Change People For Better | Tea With GaryVee

Business Tips: How Coronavirus Will Change People For Better | Tea With GaryVee

Awesome Tip: How Coronavirus Will Change People For Better | Tea With GaryVee

In this episode of “Tea With GaryVee”, Gary gets into a really deep conversation about how coronavirus will impact people long term. He talked about how this could be the major event that really changes people’s perspective on gratitude and happiness. The adversity and challenges we are all going through together during these times will not only bring us closer together, but we will also likely be kinder and more understanding of one another. Be sure to watch all the way through the last caller to hear the full conversation… Enjoy!

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24 Replies to “Business Tips: How Coronavirus Will Change People For Better | Tea With GaryVee”

  1. Thai video has really helped someone I know she has been getting really stressed not being able to work in her office,So I sent her this video hoping it would take her mind off of it and it did!

  2. It's the strangest blessing… if we would have maintained the same internet/human/tech/health 'progression'/planet waste trajectory we would have categorically wasted our top opportunities in history just for show..pretense! "fk the show!" or "fkkk, the show!" lol

    now it's real life-exam time and all the "yours sincerely" memorizing-types are failing all of us coz there's was no curriculum for life itself but living life, experiencing & understanding other lives as you go!

    We now have a global omission of pretense & neglect in our systems, activities & lives, even the #stayathome versions of the news are already way more grounded, comfortable, genuine & humane!

  3. @adamxbanks – I've bought 5+ courses from one particular coach in my niche (writing). He now releases them all for free. I'm thrilled with the ROI I got, and work with this coach to this day. I promote his FB group everywhere I go – for free, no strings attached. Don't worry – most will love you for it, the few that are bitter… can't help 'em.

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